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In just a couple minutes, you can start to get paired with the ideal coordinator.


NLC takes pride in support and providing coordination for all DDD services. All services are listed below.

Assistive Technology & Services

Devices or equipment that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of participants. Services that involve assistive tech will aid the participant in the selection, acquisition, or use of these devices.

Behavioral Supports

Individual and/or group counseling, behavioral interventions, diagnostic evaluations or consultations related to the individual's developmental disability and necessary for the individual to acquire or maintain appropriate interactions with others.

Career Planning

Person-centered, comprehensive employment planning and support service that provides assistance for program participants to obtain, maintain or advance in competitive employment or self-employment

Cognitive Rehabilitation (Supports Only)

Services involve therapeutic cognitive activities, based on an assessment and understanding of the person's brain behavior deficits. Services are directed to reinforce, strengthen, or establish former/new patterns of behavior.

Community Based Supports (Supports Only)

Services that provide direct support and assistance for participants, with or without the caregiver present, in or out of the participant's residence, to achieve and/or maintain the outcomes of increased independence, productivity, enhanced family functioning, and inclusion in the community, as outlined in his/her Service Plan.

Community Inclusion Services

Services provided outside of a participant’s home that support and assist participants in educational, enrichment or recreational activities as outlined in his/her Service Plan that are intended to enhance inclusion in the community.

Community Transition Services (CCP Only)

On-recurring set-up expenses for individuals who are transitioning from an
institutional or another group living arrangement to a less restrictive living arrangement or a private residence where the person is directly responsible for his or her own living expenses.

Day Habilitation

Services that provide education and training to acquire the skills and experience needed to participate in the community, consistent with the participant’s Service Plan. This may include activities to support participants with building problem-solving skills, self-help, social skills, adaptive skills, daily living skills, and leisure skills.

Environment Modifications

Those physical adaptations to the private residence of the participant or the participant’s family, based on assessment and as required by the participant's Service Plan, that are necessary to ensure the health, welfare and safety of the participant or that enable the participant to function with greater independence in the home.

Goods & Services

Services, equipment, or supplies that aren't provided through CCP, Supports, or any State Plan that addresses an identified need. This item or service would decrease the need for other Medicaid services, and/or promote more opportunity for the participant to be part of the larger community.

Individual Supports (CCP Only)

Services that provide direct support and assistance for participants, with or without the
caregiver present, in or out of the participant's residence, to achieve and/or maintain the outcomes of increased independence, productivity, enhanced family functioning, and inclusion in the community, as outlined in his/her Service Plan.

Interpreter Services

Service delivered to a participant face-to-face to support them in integrating more fully with community-based activities or employment. Interpreter services may be delivered in a participant’s home or in a community setting.

Natural Supports Training

Training and counseling services for individuals who provide unpaid support, training, companionship or supervision to participants. Training includes instruction about treatment regimens and other services included in the Service Plan, use of equipment specified in the Service Plan, and includes updates as necessary to safely maintain the participant at home.

Occupational Therapy

Provides services for participants to do the things they want and need to do through the therapeutic use of everyday activities (occupations). It is the use of assessment and intervention to develop, recover, or maintain the meaningful activities, or occupations, of individuals, groups, or communities.

Personal Emergency Response System (PERS)

PERS is an electronic device that enables program participants to secure help in an emergency. The participant may also wear a portable "help" button to allow for mobility. The system is connected to the participant’s phone and programmed to signal a response center once a "help" button is activated.

Physical Therapy

Services that optimize quality of life through prescribed exercise, hands-on care, and education. Participants learn how to prevent or manage their condition so that they will achieve long-term health benefits. Each individual has a unique plan, using treatment techniques to promote the ability to move, reduce pain, restore function, and prevent disability.

Prevocational Training

Services that provide learning and work experiences, including volunteer work, where the individual can develop general, non-job-task-specific strengths and skills that contribute to employability in paid employment in integrated community settings.


Services provided to participants unable to care for themselves that are furnished on a short-term basis because of the absence or need for relief of those persons who normally provide care for the participant.

Speech, Language, and Hearing Therapy

Services that help assist participants in articulation, comprehension, and hearing. Speech, Language or Hearing Therapy may be provided on an individual basis or in groups. A group session is limited to one therapist with maximum of five participants.

Individual & Small Group Employment Support

Activities needed to help a participant obtain and maintain an individual job in competitive or customized employment, or self-employment, in an integrated work setting in the general workforce for which an individual is compensated.

Supports Brokerage

Service/function that assists the participant in arranging for, directing and managing services. The service is available to assist in identifying immediate and long-term needs, developing options to meet those needs and accessing identified supports and services.


Service offered in order to transport participants to gain access to services, activities and resources around the community. Reimbursement for transportation is limited to distances not to exceed 150 miles one way.

Vehicle Modification

Assessments, adaptations, or alterations to an automobile or van that is the participant’s primary means of transportation in order to accommodate the developmental disabilities of the participant.

We are NJ’s #1 Support Agency. Period.

Choosing a support coordination agency is a new experience for a majority of people. Support Coordinators here at NLC make it possible for families to match the person’s wants and needs with skills and expertise. Since people are not aware of what is available in their community, we help you find providers and services that are in your area.

Personalized Services? Got it.

Our Support Coordinators realize how critical it is to have services that are recommended and chosen with you in mind. Choosing the best services for you could be the difference between success and failure. We ensure we call a multitude of services and follow through with an extensive evaluation to ensure the best fit.

Want to learn more? We’ll call you!

Our offices are in Piscataway, NJ, but we cover ALL services with the exception of Cape May, Mercer, Salem, and Sussex County.

Feel free to contact us or use the contact form!


30 Knightsbridge Rd #525

Piscataway, NJ 08854


Office Number: (732) 384-3408
Supervisor: (732) 742-4628


Email: jacquelinesims@nlcsupport.us

Email: honsontran@nlcsupport.us

Feel free to CC both of us!